The morning started with a phone call from the surgeon. We reviewed the drain output log that I had faxed him last night, and he was still reluctant to pull the drains given the output levels. He'd like to see the output in the 30-50 ml per day range, and right now, I'm running in the 60 ml per day range. Of course, that's much better than the 135 ml per day on my first day home from the hospital (Round 2).
He was encouraged that the trend continues downward and wanted me to call him tomorrow with today's numbers. Of course, with the weather situation as it is, there's probably no way that I would be able to run to Cincinnati tomorrow if he gave the green light to pull them out.
He's in surgery all day Wednesday, but thought it might be possible for me to meet him at the hospital to remove the drains if the numbers looked good. Realistically, I'm thinking the earliest these may come out now is Thursday.
I understand why he's being so cautious--and I support that--but, still, it's a disappointment to know that I have to run around with this extra plumbing for several more days.
* * *
After talking with the surgeon, I decided to take inventory of all that I have here in anticipation of the storm. I decided to make a Kroger run for two reasons. First, to stock up for the storm and, second, to see if I'd be okay driving with the drains in place. (I was wanting to see if I'll need someone to drive me to the appointment to have them removed, or if I could do it myself. I'd feel comfortable driving myself.)
It was only the second time that I've been out of the house on my own since 3 January. Talk about cabin fever!
I stocked up on the essentials--bread, juice, batteries and my latest "essential," Depends guards.
This storm could be a real doozy. The Weather Channel is showing that Indianapolis can get up to an inch of ice starting tonight and into tomorrow, and that will wreak havoc on the city and power system. Cincinnati, on the other hand, is expecting more rain and some freezing rain, with perhaps a 1/4 inch of ice accumulation in the morning. I'm hoping that we get more of what Cincinnati will get instead of what Indy will get.
Still, I have filled a 3-gallon camping jug with water; brought my sleeping bag in and set it beside the gas log set in my fireplace; charged a battery operated camping latern; and have positioned plenty of candles and flashlights around the house. If we do have a power outtage, I should be okay as long as it's rather short-lived.
* * *
The last few days have been pretty good in terms of my incontinence. I did notice, however, that as I walked through the parking lot and grocery store that there were a few more minor squirts than I expected.
I guess walking 60 or so feet around the house doesn't tax my bladder enough when compared to several hundred feet in the grocery store. It's time to walk several times a day in the house for half an hour or so to build up that muscle control.
The other thing I need to work on are stairs because the drains are a little tender when I go up or down them. I really haven't done that since coming home.