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Well, I'm past the head cold that I had and back to normal activity without pads. I will have to admit, though, that even after the worst of it passed, I seemed to be a little more leak-prone for some reason. But that's calmed down, too, thankfully.
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There's encouraging news about having a better ability to determine whether prostate cancer is the aggressive type that can kill you, or the less aggressive type that can be observed under active surveillance. You can read about that in the previous post (re-blogged from the Prostate Cancer Foundation site).
This is important. It will help avoid over-treatment of prostate cancer, subjecting men to some of the side-effects of a treatment regimen that they may not have needed in the first place. Of course, men will still have to overcome the thought of living with cancer inside them, always wondering if and when it may spread into something much more difficult to deal with.